Powercolor Banshee (non-EvilQueen)

Powercolor Banshee - Front

BIOS Boot-Up String

VGA BIOS - Version 1.00.03-ET
Copyright (C) 1990-1998 Elpin Systems, Inc.
All rights reserved.

3Dfx Interactive, Inc.


I assume that this is the first version of the Banshee produced by Powercolor, as this card has the 3dfx reference layout. Unfortunately the PCB date is not visible.

Tech Specs

  • Core Clock: 100 MHz
  • Memory Clock: 100 MHz
  • Memory Type: SG-RAM
  • Memory Size: 16MB
  • PCB Date: none visible, might be covered by stickers
  • BIOS Version: 1.00.03-ET
  • BIOS Date: 10/10/98
  • Notes: Reference layout, opposed to EvilQueen

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