BIOS Boot-Up String
VGA BIOS - Version 1.00.03-ET
Copyright (C) 1990-1998 Elpin Systems, Inc.
All rights reserved.3Dfx Interactive, Inc.
Below the Evilqueen logo is the revision number "1.2" - this is the only version of an Evilqueen Banshee from Powercolor I have seen so far. My Powercolor Banshee without the title "Evilqueen" does not have a revision number on it and unfortunately there is no PCB date to be seen, but I assume that the non-Evilqueen was produced before the Evilqueen. So it should be the PCB 1.0 - what the 1.1 should be is still a mystery to me.
The layout of the Evilqueen is very close to the reference, but still differs. For example the feature connector on the top left is missing und the fan connector is positioned lower on the PCB.
Tech Specs